Monday, November 22, 2010

Have you ever wanted to be the opposite gender for even a day?

Lately I've been thinking about it, what it would be like..Which is odd since I'm the sort of person who doesn't agree with gender roles, thinks gender is rather flimsy, and thinks that both genders are equal in every way. I'm more curious on how people act toward males then females.

I swear for like two minutes once I thought I was transgendered, but I think of myself as being female and I like being female so..

Anyway, do you think if you changed genders for a day anything would really change? Other then your friends and families reactions?Have you ever wanted to be the opposite gender for even a day?
Just to experiment with myself. ;)Have you ever wanted to be the opposite gender for even a day?
besides getting to pee wherever i want i

dont think anything would change cause

the truth of the matter is when it all comes

down to it we're all human.
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  • How come, you can change your gender, but you can't change your age? (explained...)?

    Okay, so you might want to change your gender, because let's say, you feel like you're not really a girl, or a guy. Or you feel you would be happier as a girl or as guy, or whatever.

    But what if you're... 24, and you don't feel like being 24, because you're just not ready to be 24, because you've gone through emotional things in your life or something? Couldn't you be able to change your age?

    You might say, ';No, you have to just be your age, and just take responsibility for it.';, but wouldn't you have to say that to a guy or girl who wanted to get a gender change done, also?

    I would like to see if this idea is okay to have, and if it is wrong, why. This isn't an arguement, I want to see if this is okay thinking.

    (btw, I'm not 24, ;D, I'm 16, and this isn't for me, I'm just wondering.)How come, you can change your gender, but you can't change your age? (explained...)?
    Technically, you can't change the gender you're born with. It may seem it, but you still have the ';inside parts'; of your gender.

    As for why you can't change your age, I think it's deeply inside your brain. Your body has also grown to accustom your age, so if you wanted to go from 24 to...12, to say, you would be more ';developed'; and grown than anyone in school.How come, you can change your gender, but you can't change your age? (explained...)?
    Well i see your point. But it's impossible to go back or forward in time and lets say if you are 24 and you decide to change your age (like you can go and change your name) you're still gonna be 24, no matter what you do.

    Your gender can be physically changed, but your age can't.
    this is one of the dumbest questions I've read in my life. You can't change your age, you are what you are. Maybe if you had a time machine?
    We are able to make ourselves physically look like a male or female. You can get breast implants and cut your.. package off and vise versa (I think?) but how can we ACTUALLY make ourselves look 18 when we're actually 30. That's what people try to do, but no matter what, you will always be your age. That's the same with your sex as well, you can look/act/walk/talk/etc like a male/female but you will always be your natural sex.

    It's different with names because you can change your name and you have a new one. It doesn't come back to haunt you because you're new.... with your sex/age, it's always there no matter what.... I guess that's what I'm trying to say. It sounds better in my brain.
    gender is gender, no matter what the time

    unless you have a time machine, age sticks. you can have an op to *look* younger/older, you can *act* younger/older, but the fact remains you've been alive for 24 years...
    because youcan't go back in time, you can't change your age but since you can do sex change you can change your gender
    Well, witness Protection will sometimes not only change a name, but age too...

    But seriously, you were born at a certain time, in a certain year, that is fact and can't be changed.

    You can buy creams, have cosmetic surgery, lie flat out but the fact remains you were still born that day, in that year, at that time.

    Remember Pounce de Leone and the fountain of yputh? Well, he still grew old and died just like the rest of us will barring accidents. No matter what we do we can't change our age.

    We can change our appearance to look the best we can, exercise and diet...but again, same day, same year, same time.
    because its eaiser to chop off a ding dong than it is to shave off a couple extra years.
    ...because we don't have the technology to turn back the aging process.
    Sweetheart, of course you aren't ready to be 24, you are 16. If a twenty four year old isn't ';ready'; - that person has some serious psychological and/or emotional issues, which need to be addressed by a trained professional. Believe it or not, those people are out there, at any age.

    As for ';age'; - you talk about chronological age. ';Real age'; is different: the healthier you are the younger you are, as a fully grown adult, not a teenager. Smoking, sedentary living, mental laziness all make people older than their chronological age. (There are some other types of ';ages';, which I forgot) . It is an interesting subject, look into it.
    I think you mean ';how come...your SEX...'; (not ';gender';).

    Gender has to do with grammar. Essentially, there are three: masculine (has nothing to do with maleness), feminine (has nothing to do with femaleness), and neuter (which is neither masculine nor feminine gender).

    ';Gender [Lat. genus=kind], in grammar, subclassification of nouns or nounlike words in which the members of the subclass have characteristic features of agreement with other words.';

    More recently, of course, ';gender'; has been used in non-grammatical senses.

    ';Gender role'; has to do with role acquisition and behavior based on masculinity/femininity, equal to maleness/femaleness.

    ';Gender'; as you used it, having to do with one's physical sex and, in this case, sexual apparatus.

    ';Gender status,'; having to do with the supremacy of one sex over the other in the culture or community. In most cultures, that supremacy belongs to the men, and is used by them to define themselves relative to women, but more importantly to define and limit women to a narrow set of definitions.

    (It was this last, in 1911, that led Dr. Alfred Adler to break with Freud's group, and in their 1912 debates to put forth the concept of ';masculine protest'; as another way to explain women's neuroses.)

    Regarding your question: Sex is defined by physiological characteristics as well as social norms (see above). Age is defined by the passing of time using clocks, day/night, hours, years, decades, etc. You may pretend to believe you are younger than you are (or older), and you may try to act younger (or older) but you are a specific age, and no other.

    Your question reminds me of my mother (dead since 1998) who, in her 80s was visiting me in CT. She was looking at her hands, then looked at me and said, ';When did I get so old? I still feel like I'm 17 inside!'; That was my mom...always 17!

    Indentify how a stuctural functionalist, a conflict theorist and a symbolic interactionalist would theorize?

    Should children be allowed to change gender without parental permission?Indentify how a stuctural functionalist, a conflict theorist and a symbolic interactionalist would theorize?
    Well here is a question where the offical laws that be would actually apply. I would imagine that childern should have to wait till their adults or very close to make that kind of decision on their own. Really if it weren't for such things I'd probably have a crappy cartoon character tattooed on me somewhere. Some impulse thing I would have done as a kid and grew out of it... So there's the only logic I can see from it. Children aren't sure what they want, which is why they are ';raised'; by parents or parential units. So Little suzy doesn't decide one day that she wants to be a boy... then 2 years later wants to be a girl again... Besides a child's body isn't fully developed so doing such wouldn't make much sense.. It would likely cause an even greater mental idenity issue with the child.. Let's say they are 8 and just 3 years ago learned to correctly go into the women's restroom. Well not suddenly Little Suzy is Little Tom and has to learn all over again about going to the correct restroom... and how to use ';his'; new equipment. Ultimately regressing the child's development several years at least. This is at least my opinion with all things being equal.

    Pokemon peral gender change?

    I got a girl Lucario! yeha how i don't know only a 12.5 chance i want it to be a boy how do i do that?Pokemon peral gender change?
    Breed Lucario with a Ditto, to obtain a Ditto you have to go to route 218 and use a pokerader, there is a 22% chance of ecountaring a Ditto.... Well you have to get a national dex first...and have you got that? Well you just got a Well the only way is to

    1)Use something like Action Replay

    2)Get a National Dex (see all pokemon in sinnoh + beat ellite four)

    3) Get traded another Riolu....from the global trade station...

    4.......Restart the

    5)Pray to god, and hope that somehow your female Riolu strangely turns to a male....

    6) Act like this is all a dream....Pokemon peral gender change?
    Sorry. You'll just have to breed it to get a boy. Use a ditto.
    the only way i know is to breed your lucario with another to get eggs that hatch into a baby riolu which will most likely be male. you can also breed lucario with a ditto. and if your desperate i can trade you a male riolu. just name the pokemon you want to trade.
    if u want you can trade use a action replay or use a ditto to breed its quick to hatch it.
    i can give u a boy lucario, i have 3 so its no big deal

    trainer name: SEABASS (all capital)

    fc: 2406 2807 2589

    E-mail me for ur name and fc and i'll c u at 7:30p.m today

    Christian religion rules on gender change?

    i went around and found a good amount of stuff on this tho was not easy to understand fully

    looking for basic answers

    A: if a normal male went through surgery and became a female what is the proper term for this person ?

    1.and if this person liked females still would they be gay or straight ?

    2.if this person liked guys would they be gay or straight ?

    3.if they went from male to female what gender would religion wise be better for thelm to go with ?

    4.and also would this person have any trouble getting into heaven if they changed there gender like this ?

    B: if this person before there change dressed female (crossdressing) how does that work ?

    C: and if a male became female through surgery and whore female cloths would that still be considered crossdressing ?

    by surgery in this question i mean went through all normal steps and hormone drugs and any other stuff that goes along in gender change

    thanks for your answersChristian religion rules on gender change?
    A. either way it's called Transgender

    1. pre-straight, post-gay

    2. pre-gay, post-straight

    3. doesn't matter religion-wise

    4. no

    B. go shopping first! hehe

    C. pre-yes, post-no

    Watch the Eli Stone TV episode about the transgendered priest (s02e09). Hateful people aren't tolerant, but good people are or try to be.

    The Bible is anti-gay in the Old Testament (doesn't mention transgender), but then again; we don't sacrifice anymore and a lot of people eat pork.Christian religion rules on gender change?
    in islam it is said to be a sin to be a gay man, but it's ok for a man to become a women and have a relationship with a man.

    as a result a lot of gay men become woman so as not to be severely punished.

    go figure?
    Interesting question Nayan. I don't know any verses that talk about gender change.
    I was just having this conversation with some other Christian friends yesterday.

    One must wonder if it could be considered a birth defect. Since we're dealing with the mind and its interpretation of what its body should be, it's definitely not concrete territory in the way that a missing limb is considered a ';defect';.

    It's foggy enough for me not to have a particular stand on the issue.

    I don't know of any that have switched genders and then found those of their new gender sexually attractive.

    Most homosexuals are perfectly content with their same-sex attraction. They have no wish to change their gender. Why go through a messy surgery? Those who push on for the surgery must feel something much deeper. Something I cannot begin to fathom.

    if there is a god... i think it would be kind of like a slap in the face...

    kinda like your telling him he made a mistake... so it would probably be a sin

    idk... im kinda agnostic
    ';And there are some who prostitute even their own children and wives, and some are openly mutilated for the purpose of sodomy...'; - Justin Martyr

    Is this a freudian?

    ';C: and if a male became female through surgery and whore female cloths would that still be considered crossdressing ? ';
    No rules.

    Sin is sin.

    If you were born a hemorphedite (both sexes), that is a different issue.

    Check out Mike Warnkey ministries, ( I think I spelled it right), they deal with 'unique' situations regarding Christian conversions, and I have heard they have worked with people who have had a sex change, then decided they wanted to be a Christian.

    But to be a Christian, you must be WILLING to admit that you are a sinful person (like we all have).

    So kill the pride first, and dont be offended.
    Transgender or transsexual.

    Before operation, straight, after operation gay.

    Before operation, gay, after operation straight.

    Universalist Unitarian, Reform or Reconstructionist Judaism,

    Liberal Hindu or Liberal Buddhism.

    In Judaism, heaven is the new age of peace - it may be that we reincarnate - it seems to make sense. If a person was a female in the last life and has strong identification as a female, it would be difficult to switch over to male in one lifetime. In medical terms, transgender dysphoria may be a very mild case of an intersexed disorder (a chromosomal or hormonal imbalance that causes an individual to have both sexual characteristics, or in this case characteristics of one sex, physically, and another sex subjectively). I can't imagine a person not allowed into the new age if they have been genuine about who they are. Judaism is about being genuine and not being a hypocrite. Besides, that's how God made them.

    Crossdressing is in various forms. Some transgendered men wear women's underwear under men's clothes while others dress up on weekends or while home. Others crossdress as a permanent identity. It is a lifetime struggle for most people with transgenderism. They wish to identify with the majority culture, but struggle with a desire to be the opposite sex - most waffle back and forth.

    After surgery, the person is the identity she believes she is, not what society tells her she is. Even before surgery, a person is who they believe they are - its society that has trouble understanding, not the person. The person struggles because of society's misconception.

    A cross section of a human brain showed that a brain of a transgendered individual was like a female brain - leading to the theory that transgenderism is a form of intersex disorder that happens prenatally - that changes a persons development to varying degrees and in this case, only the development of the brain is affected.
    If you're not reading the Book of Mormon every day then you're under condemnation.
    it is not allowed or encouraged....wrong board

    My cousin need a gender change how and what a to do ? do she really need to go and have court hearings?

    dallas,baltimore,and minneapolis hospitals do this surgery..when you add or cut off a di-c-k you FOREVER lose the ability to orgasm!!My cousin need a gender change how and what a to do ? do she really need to go and have court hearings?
    She just needs to find a doctor who performs this type of surgery and go see them. Its possible that the doctor would require some type of psychological testing first. I'm not sure why she would need to go to court. As long as she is of age there is no way anyone can prevent it.My cousin need a gender change how and what a to do ? do she really need to go and have court hearings?
    She needs to find a church and a good psychiatrist. She needs help.
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  • Just curious. But how can you change your gender on your driver's license?

    My friend and I are currently talkin on the phone and she saw a segment where a guy got a sex change and he was able to change his gender on his driver's license and the state allowed it. This was on the DISCOVERY card.Just curious. But how can you change your gender on your driver's license?
    It's purely a matter of state law as to what evidence of change of gender -- mistake, surgery or otherwise -- or perhaps self-declaration, is required for amendment of birth certificate, licenses and other documentation.

    New York State just announced acceptance of self-declaration for birth certificate amendment.Just curious. But how can you change your gender on your driver's license?
    It probably had a note from it's sex-change doctor.
    show the completion papers to the drivers license company and that should be enough because the state may be sued if they do not comply.i also read about this case and the doctor and hospital assisted in clearing the way to change his gender on all forms and bills.

    How do go out with a friend that had a gender change?

    We used to just hang out in the back yard and drink beers. Now he, she now, wants me to take her out on the town and have dinner and see a show. She has said that she'll pay for half, but it just doesn't seem the same to me.How do go out with a friend that had a gender change?
    You slap her on the cheek (not that one silly...the other one)...and tell her how you'll miss the a**hole.How do go out with a friend that had a gender change?
    It would seem awkward to me. You could just say to him(her/whatever) that you re not comfortable with it and would rather not. It might hurt their feelings a bit but it's better than getting you both into a situation that you don't want to get into.
    You need to be honest with your friend. Let her know that you had a good time when she was a guy and you can relate more. Now that shes a woman tell her its hard for you.

    Gender change?

    How do I have intercource with a guy that just whent through a gender change.

    Will he be able to reach a climax?Gender change?
    strap ons all the way,

    get him to put it on and f**k until you climax, he would have to be f****d like a woman, if he wanted a good screwing.

    or you put it on and **** him, surely he is a big lesbian now?Gender change?
    MAN.. thats just creepy
    Good for him, it's nice to know someone has exactly what they want. As for the rest, I have no idea and it's way too personal.
    well this is a bit spooky...tht guy is a female from the morphology point of view right now...but whether he/she gets an orgasm depends on how well has the sensory tissue implanted by the doctors...and moreover 'climax' depends more on the male/female as well as the individuals personal psyshe
    he can fake it
    You both are SICK IN THE HEAD!!!!

    Gender change?

    what happens when they change your gender in casualty?? I enjoy being a girl!! Because I have a cute boyfriend and make- up bla bla bla. but seriously what happens what do they do? I haven't a clue how they would do all that changing them from female to male or vice versa. Does anyone know how its done?Gender change?
    Lots of ormonal therapy to fill up the difference in hormonal balance between sexes, extensive plastic surgeries to remove secondary sexual characteristics and eventually external primary ones, for example removing breast for a woman wanting to be a man, or applying fake ones viceversa and reshaping the external appearance of sexual organs, a lot of psychological and speech therapy to learn how to be and speak like the selected gender and similar stuff.Gender change?
    i hate to nitpick, but what you are referring to is a sex change, not a gender change. gender is a social construct, sex is the physical manifestation of genes and such. and a sex change operation depends on which sex you want to be. but essentially you are given a type of cosmetic surgery to make your genitals look like, and function like, the sex that you want to be. in addition you are given hormone injections and suppressants, and women will have their breasts removed.
    Technically, you are talking about a sex change, which you could ask about in the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender category, where people would be a bit more informed (though quite a few people have given good answers, vs just saying ';ewwww';).

    And not all people go the full surgical route. Some only take hormones, some don't do anything physically (hormonally or surgically) but dress the part of the other gender (which I think is a bit sexist, depending on what you wear).

    If they change hormonally or dress differently, they still consider themselves the other gender, and they are not cross-dressing.

    Some gay men cross-dress, but so do straight men, and even if the women might not call it such, some straight women ';cross-dress'; since they rarely if ever wear clothing associated with femininity (such as a dress or skirt). And of course, some lesbians cross dress as well (that is the stereotypes about all lesbians, which is not true)

    But my information is from documentaries, books, articles, and research, not from actual experience. I've met a few transgendered people (friends of friends), but didn't know them very well, and didn't feel it was appropriate to ask such personal questions about their choices.
    No matter how much you mutilate yourself to look like the opposite sex, you can't change your DNA, just a reminder.
    I don't know the specifics but it's a long and arduous process, starting with hormones.

    The woman has breasts removed and her vagina is fashioned into a penis, something about sewing the opening shut, surgically extending the urethra, and restructuring the remains.

    Basically it takes a lot of money and a handful of surgeries in order to accomplish a sex change.
    ';in casualty';? what does that mean?


    First, you have therapy with a licensed sex-change therapist, to see if it's really what you want to do, and to coach you through the changes.

    During that, you start living as the other sex: using that name, dressing as the sex you're changing to, etc.

    You take hormones.

    Then, after all of these things have been going on for a while, you have surgery.

    No, the whole process takes a LOT longer than a week.
    It takes a LONG time.. Years even.

    I'm not completely sure about the order, but they have to start you out with gender therapy, put you on hormones, have you live life as the opposite gender, etc, before they go ahead and do the surgery. It's not like you're a girl one week, and the next week you're a guy. The whole procedure takes quite a while. Even when the surgery finally gets going, it takes a while for it to be finished.
    Surgically. The new penis is created from the existing vagina; or the new vagina from the existing penis. However, the new male does not produce sperm, and the new female cannot get pregnant because does not produce eggs.

    Breasts are removed, reduced, or refashioned, or enhanced.

    Prior to the surgery, hormones are taken so the new male has a beard, or the new female does not have a beard.
    I don't know and I don't think I'd want to know..EeeWww!
    i would rather not to talk about this. why dont you go to yahoo and there's an article about it. or go to this link:,5744.0.html

    maybe u'll understand. try copy n paste

    How could i tell if my mystery snail is female or male?

    i need help i do into websites and they all say different things could. mystery snails change gender?

    i want to breed mystery snails and i don't know which ones are male or female.How could i tell if my mystery snail is female or male?
    A relative easy way to determine the sex of an apple snail is by taking the snail out of the water, keep it on it's back and wait until the animal comes out of its shell. At that moment you have to take a look at the upper part of the right mantle cavity. Close to the edge of the shell, you can see the penis sheath starting (take a look at the anatomy to get an idea where to look for). Some experience might be needed for this, but once you have seen the difference between the male and the female snail you'll find it less difficult to determine the sex of an apple in the future.

    Another option is to wait until the snail copulate. When they're mating, the male snail creeps on the shell of the female and puts his penis in her. At that point you know that the one on top is the male and the other is the female.

    The third way to differentiate the sexes is based on the fact that male snail have a rounder shell opening (aperture). In the case you are the lucky owner of several apple snails, you can compare the aperture height/width to determine the sexes of your snails.How could i tell if my mystery snail is female or male?
    they are not female or male they are just a thing or it.
    i dont think this type of snail breeds asexually. so if you have one i dont think it can have babies all by itself
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  • What are the symptoms of a male to female transsexual?

    Hi, i couldn't find this question anywhere so i thought id ask, what sort of symptoms do doctors generalize to a mtf transsexual. How does a mtf transsexual actually feel that makes them want to change gender?What are the symptoms of a male to female transsexual?
    Even though Transsexuality is recognized as a medical condition, there isn't really set of symptoms persay, but rather behavioral patterns and life choices which can show that an individual has gender dysphoria, those symptoms can be related to several different diagnosis's such as a transsexual or intersexual, gender dysphoria, gender identity disorder, along with several various mental issues which can mask themselves as one of the fore mentioned diagnosis.

    Then of course, transsexuals themselves know who they are, and are more learning to accept themselves, against all odds..

    literally to the point, that transitioning it's self is a form of self acceptance, as well as the last thing a transsexual will do.

    this leads many transsexuals down a path of self destruction, while attempting to run from their own demons. sometimes, that destruction can take on the appearance of hero or a drug addict, the idea is hopefully to die, so that no one ever learns your personal secret, while running away from it yourself.

    An interesting twist, I originally thought I was a ';transsexual'; but later learned that had a physical existence of both sex's, changing my diagnoses to being intersexed. but yet, I still suffer from gender dysphoria , or gender identity disorder..

    basically, I've always personally identified as female, but was told by society, my peers that I wasn't..

    The easiest way to explain what a transsexual feels, is to imagine yourself waking up one morning.. feelingly slightly odd maybe as if you're ill, as you make your way to rest room you catch your reflection in the mirror, only it's not you.. the person staring back at you is a completely different gender..

    the difficult part, is how do you act, as only you know who you are.. but you were not raised as that gender, you don't have the same feelings or thoughts as your new peer group..

    this is only the basic feeling that a transsexual feels in their daily lives.. starting often as far back as kindergarten..

    the diagnoses, for being a transsexual is not usually given by a medical doctor, but rather a doctor in psychology..

    today, in the United States, many transsexuals are under loose guide lines to treat their condition.. those guide lines were created by Dr. Harry Benjamin, a PhD who saw and diagnosed many of the behavioral symptoms, while coining the term transsexual. mean to transcend between sex's.

    I hope this answers your questions.. for more information you might check with the Harry Benjamin Society, IFGE, and so on.What are the symptoms of a male to female transsexual?
    Thats a really good thorough answer!

    Report Abuse

    It's not a symptom, it's a surgery.
    Mostly what they're going to look for is how strongly you feel that you're in the wrong body, but I don't think there's any ';right'; answer that will get you diagnosed. If you're looking for what to tell a doctor to get the diagnosis you want, I can guarantee you you can find the answers from someone at a support group meeting. The better thing to do, though, is just to be honest with your therapist. I know a couple of MTF's who rushed into things, managed to fool the doctors, then decided it was a mistake. Not only did they waste all that money, time and emotion, but there are aspects of SRS that are irreversible.

    Don't be impatient. I know that's easy for me to say, but I'd urge you to take your time and make sure you do it right.
    Tricky question. Are you a non-transsexual person asking? If so, Tanya what makes you feel like a woman? How do you know? It's just something you know right? Well it's not much different for a transsexual person.

    On the other hand if you think you are transsexual I would urge you to see a gender therapist:

    Most regular therapists have NO experience with gender issues, so look for one that does.

    The other curious thing about your question is the way you zero in on the MtF side of things. You do know about FtM's don't you? People transition both ways. And they do so for the same reason:

    Identity, specifically gender identity.

    If you have fussed about your gender for a long time please see a therapist. I can't tell you that you're transsexual, that is something you need to dicuss with a qualifed professional. The answer is inside of you and they will help you bring it out.

    If you are a non-transsexual please read the following:

    Transsexuality 101

    What is a transsexual?

    For simplicity, a transsexual is a person whose inner sense of gender identity and brain patterns are completely the opposite of what physical form they are born into. This is a recognized medical condition which is completely unrelated to sexuality or sexual preference at all, but unfortunately society sees only brazen gay and bisexual people out there using gender bending to express their sexuality and assumes this is what transsexuals are too. A real transsexual has no more in common with a drag queen, gay or bisexual person than they do with a chimpanzee! They have a deep basic incongruity between their inner identity and their physical form which can only best be expressed as something which is within their very soul. Transsexuality occurs in equal numbers across born male and born female people. Estimates are that approximately 1 in 30,000 people are born with the condition.

    How does this happen?

    There are many things known today through years of research, though no one single absolute cause has been quantified as of yet. It is almost universally believed that during the formation of the fetus in utero, a hormonal imbalance affects the development of the body sex characteristics in a way that is misaligned with the core gender brain wiring. The brain ';gender identity'; is determined very early on in the fetal growth process, though the messages of an incorrect hormone balance sent to the developing fetus鈥?body, redirects the ';intended'; natural development to the wrong physical gender. Once born, while growing up the body鈥檚 own hormone generators then further the physical discrepancy - especially once puberty arrives. Unique chormosonal or genetic influences are also possible contributing factors that are being researched as additional contributing components to the phenomenon. It is very important to understand that no two things in nature are alike - there is no black and white bipolar scheme in life, and random types of birth development happen in all species, including transsexuality. Much more common birth development variations include Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome , Klinefelter Syndrome , being Intersexed , or Gender Mosaic.

    Transsexuality is not hereditary, and a person cannot not just ';become'; transsexual one day. As an extremely complex birth condition the situation is simply a variable in nature and there is nothing and no one to blame. It can actually be a very enlightening, even religious experience about the nature of the universe and humanity far beyond simple primative bi-polar sociological models. Most transsexuals are acutely aware of something feeling incorrect from a very early age but lack the ability to approach the issue. Transsexuality is not contagious, a ';demon'; or a cult into which someone can be enticed into - one cannot ';catch'; it, or turn into is simply born transsexual. It occurs across all races, socioeconomic classes, religions, and childhood family upbringings, and has been documented throughout history for thousands of years...many cultures even have revered or worshipped them for having extraordinary vision and wisdom. Transsexuals are actually very good, intelligent, family loving people who are valuable, creative and productive members of society when given the opportunity to flourish without oppression.

    How could someone want ';that'; surgery?

    The person with transsexuality eventually must learn to accept their situation if they are to survive happily in self congruity, and not be rendered incapacitated by depression and other co-morbid mental health problems out of frustration and despair. They often have worked very hard at being everything they could for everyone else but no matter how hard they try, they always come up feeling empty and unfulfilled because they are still not whole. These feelings magnify over time until eventually the individual is overwhelmed in dysphoria. They may have tried to live in a role and style that is incongruous for a long, long time until it finally becomes unbearable鈥?this can become a critical life threatening time for the transsexual. To simply try to even live in some sort of duality or ';alternative lifestyle'; without true physical and social alignment is to just continue the intolerable hypocrisy of a masquerade in a different form, still being something they are not. The ultimate goal is to be truthful and completely real unto themselves as their true gender identity dictates. The only real option left then becomes the social process of transitioning to their correct gender and also the medical process of hormone therapy and surgery. Physical pain and expenses become completely insignificant in comparison to the prospects of having to endure living life in a false way any longer.

    The Life Experience of a Transsexual.

    A person with transsexuality will almost always go through many devastating and long stages of fear, guilt, anger, shame, self loathing and emotional distress throughout their life as a result of the incongruity. They know that they will also likely face fear, hatred, prejudice, violence and rejection 鈥?sometimes even from those they may love or respect most. No one wants or chooses to have this happen to them, so as a result transsexuals typically live seriously disrupted lives tangled in deep inner emotional conflict. They must go through a very long difficult process of getting beyond their internalized conflicts and societal pressures by learning to finally accept that this is just who they are, and these are the cards they have been dealt in life. It is then that they realize they must play it out to the best of their ability to achieve congruity, for their own health and well being.

    Often those with transsexuality will attempt almost anything in the world to avoid facing their fears and unavoidable situation, including super-human macho activities or careers, marriage, family, extreme creative endeavors or even turn to religion, drugs or alcohol to escape. Sooner or later though, if they have survived this far they will find that these things did not work and they must face yet another even greater battle with their transsexual ';demon';. The fear of facing the issue can instill an emotional paralysis that can be difficult if not impossible to shake. It is then that they must seek professional assistance to gain some kind of movement in their situation. There is an immense amount of deep inner personal work ahead for someone who reaches this point, many unfortunately, never make it. If they do, they come to realize that the ';demon'; was an internally fabricated myth woven out of fear of change, emotion, insecurity and social pressure - It was never even really there at all. As US President F.D.Roosevelt. put it - ';the only thing we have to fear is fear itself鈥攏ameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts';

    The Final Freedom.

    Once the transsexual person has overcome their fears, guilt and shame and accepted themselves and learned to feel self worth, happiness and inner pride, with proper guidance they will move forward through transition and on to establish new lives in the properly aligned role. The period of time can be short sometimes for very young transsexuals who can't find coping skills in life or are less affected by social ';role'; pressures to conform to - or it can take years, even decades to unfold. The path can be a treacherous, painful, expensive, lonely and emotional one but it can be done successfully with the highly rewarding end result of rising above the flames of their torment and dysphoria like a Phoenix from the ashes.

    To just feel ';normal'; is something almost everyone takes for granted in life - For the person afflicted with transsexuality, it is the Holy Grail.

    Once an individual passes through the processes involved, wholeness of being is achieved and the person can transcend their past medical condition and live a balanced, normal life.

    Source: (link no longer active)

    How do Isreal and Iraq Compare to Things Fall Apart the novel?

    What is a good analogy for the situation in whats goin on today in iraq with the americans being over their and all that relates to the novel things fall apart like the cultural alienation/vanishing cultures, polygamy, domestic violence, Social causes of violence, changing gender roles, adapting to change.How do Isreal and Iraq Compare to Things Fall Apart the novel?
    In Things Fall Apart, the people of Umofia struggle with trying to hold on to their dying culture. As the whites came in, the younger people converted easily to Christianity. In present day Iraq and Israel, the same thing is happening. the world see them as ';third world'; countries so they aren't as ';civilized'; as the United States or the other superpowers in the world. so all of their traditions and cultures are being blown away by ';democracy';. i never even thought about it until i saw this question but its like the same exact situation.How do Isreal and Iraq Compare to Things Fall Apart the novel?
    i dont see an analogy between them. maybe that okonkwo is the outcast in his society like isreal is in the middle east. yeah the one above me knows what she's talking about. i havent read it in 4 years.

    Looking for a tranny mtf to meet and talk to about geting a sex change no flamers?

    Thinking of gender change and would like to meet with a tranny in Westerville to get a feel for how it's changed their life anyone know a good way to meet one?Looking for a tranny mtf to meet and talk to about geting a sex change no flamers?
    where's westerville?

    anyway, you can email me at i am an older post op ts, willing to learn and share.

    much love and hope. pjLooking for a tranny mtf to meet and talk to about geting a sex change no flamers?
    Well the number one thing you should first learn is that we dont change our gender we change our sex to match our gender.

    And idk a lot of us aren't that open about it. We just want to be recognized as normal people. Like on my myspace there are no references to me being transsexual whatsoever, but people can still generally tell because I'm just 15 and cant start estrogen until I'm 16.

    I suggest you try an online support forum such as: Lots of people there.

    And a ';tranny'; is a part of a car, not a person.
    ';Tranny'; is typically considered a derogatory term. And any questions you can have on how it's changed our lives to be trans, you can ask on here. The fact that you're looking to meet someone in real life and don't know what the appropriate way to refer to a t-girl is, suggests to me that you might not have the most noble of intentions. I hope I'm wrong here.
    Sorry, I get the vibe you're actually just a chaser. Can't help you.
    Oh there is SO SO SO much wrong with everything you've written.

    1) If you expect a response from a trans woman, you're best off NOT calling them a ';tranny';. That word is derogatory and disrespectful and perpetuated by the porn industry. That's like saying all trans women are in the porn industry. How would you feel if I called your mom a porn star?

    2) ';Flamer';...also derogatory. Don't dismiss someone's intelligence and input to something they MIGHT just know a little more about than you obviously do, simply because you don't agree with their lifestyle or personality.

    3) People DO NOT change GENDER.

    Please do us (and by us I mean us real transsexual people) a favor and do NOT join our team. You are NOT one of us.

    *edit* And the fact that you are only interested in meeting in person tells me that either 1) you're a trans fetishist/chaser or 2) You're intending to do physical harm to one. In which case, I'm steering any and all my trans friends AWAY from you.
    Flamer was ment as a person who insalts not the way you took it toad and as for problums with terms I'm sorry can someone tell me the correct terms then and as I'm a guy of corse I want to speak to someone who went through what I would go throgh I want to learn what it would be like to go from xy to xx not xx to xy this is the first time I've admited it an understand anyones unease but I am genuane and senceare. I do however suck at spelling
    The best way to start would be to stop referring to them as trannys.
    You want to talk to a tranny?? Why and how could anyone talk to a transmission? Is it from a car or truck. I have an 10 speed Eaton Fuller in my Peterbilt 379 you could try to talk to I guess. Odd thing talking to a car or truck part......

    Chaser alert!!


    Hey PJ I think that is in Ohio! Really really boring place, no wonder he wants to talk to a transmission.

    How do i change the gender of my avatar?

    i kinda made a mistake when i first got it...i thought it was a toy (dont you dare say a word) or something fun to do. now i cant figure it out...HELP!!! im a girl...not a dude....thats the problem...How do i change the gender of my avatar?
    First, Go to:

    Then, to the the very right of the screen

    is a Link that says, ';Preferences';. Click on it

    and then there is a Message that says,

    ';Change My Avatar's Gender';.

    Click on the ';Change'; button And there you have it.How do i change the gender of my avatar?
    how do i change the gender of my avatar??

    I have question about a person changing gender.?

    I do watch Opera and sometimes they talk about people changing gender. I grew up and had friends that were bi, gay, or straight which this question never crossed my mind because they didn't change their gender.

    When a person wants to be the opposite gender I understand the process for adding and removing breasts but do they actually change the bottom part? I can't see how the medical field is capable of doing that physically and if they can how would they do that?

    I am pretty open minded so I am not afraid to ask this question. It is just I have no one in person to ask. We did discuss the subject on trans sexuality but never discussed the medical part in sociology as well.

    And please answer with helpful answers and not bashing subject I am asking about. I don't really tolerate it when people can be that rude about things.I have question about a person changing gender.?
    There are a variety of procedures used in gender reassignment surgery. Vaginoplasty (constructing a vagina for male to female) is relatively standardized. Please note the word ';relatively';. Penile construction (for female to male) is all over the map. There's a fair summary here:

    Some transwomen report the ability to orgasm after surgery. It appears to be somewhere in the 10 - 30% range, although you can find pretty much any number you want if you look hard enough. Transmen generally have to resort to appliances to achieve erection, and a few elect to keep the enlarged clitoris that results from testosterone therapy rather than risk losing everything. Reliable numbers there are somewhat harder to come by - uhh, no pun intended.I have question about a person changing gender.?
    yes they can change the bottom part. google it. and people have to live like the gender they are trying to be 100% of the time for a yr b4 they are legally considered another gender
    please look this up somewhere else. there is lots of information around.

    trans folks are offended by nosy questions about their private parts.
    Go here:

    You'll be able to get answers from people who have experienced this as well as professionals.
    First off, people born transsexual (like me) aren't changing our gender. We change our body to match our gender!!!

    Second, you can find lots of information about trans women here:

    Third, to the person that gavve the INCORRECT figure about orgasm: Surgery has come a long ways from the dark ages (60's and 70's). Trans women today have the same ability to orgasm as natal women, which is about 90%.

    Fourth, Oprah may be a media queen, but she just doesn't get it, in my opinion, when it comes to transsexuality.

    A primer:

    Transsexuality 101

    What is a transsexual?

    For simplicity, a transsexual is a person whose inner sense of gender identity and brain patterns are completely the opposite of what physical form they are born into. This is a recognized medical condition which is completely unrelated to sexuality or sexual preference at all, but unfortunately society sees only brazen gay and bisexual people out there using gender bending to express their sexuality and assumes this is what transsexuals are too. A real transsexual has no more in common with a drag queen, gay or bisexual person than they do with a chimpanzee! They have a deep basic incongruity between their inner identity and their physical form which can only best be expressed as something which is within their very soul. Transsexuality occurs in equal numbers across born male and born female people. Estimates are that approximately 1 in 30,000 people are born with the condition.

    How does this happen?

    There are many things known today through years of research, though no one single absolute cause has been quantified as of yet. It is almost universally believed that during the formation of the fetus in utero, a hormonal imbalance affects the development of the body sex characteristics in a way that is misaligned with the core gender brain wiring. The brain ';gender identity'; is determined very early on in the fetal growth process, though the messages of an incorrect hormone balance sent to the developing fetus?body, redirects the ';intended'; natural development to the wrong physical gender. Once born, while growing up the body檚 own hormone generators then further the physical discrepancy - especially once puberty arrives. Unique chormosonal or genetic influences are also possible contributing factors that are being researched as additional contributing components to the phenomenon. It is very important to understand that no two things in nature are alike - there is no black and white bipolar scheme in life, and random types of birth development happen in all species, including transsexuality. Much more common birth development variations include Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome , Klinefelter Syndrome , being Intersexed , or Gender Mosaic.

    Transsexuality is not hereditary, and a person cannot not just ';become'; transsexual one day. As an extremely complex birth condition the situation is simply a variable in nature and there is nothing and no one to blame. It can actually be a very enlightening, even religious experience about the nature of the universe and humanity far beyond simple primative bi-polar sociological models. Most transsexuals are acutely aware of something feeling incorrect from a very early age but lack the ability to approach the issue. Transsexuality is not contagious, a ';demon'; or a cult into which someone can be enticed into - one cannot ';catch'; it, or turn into is simply born transsexual. It occurs across all races, socioeconomic classes, religions, and childhood family upbringings, and has been documented throughout history for thousands of years...many cultures even have revered or worshipped them for having extraordinary vision and wisdom. Transsexuals are actually very good, intelligent, family loving people who are valuable, creative and productive members of society when given the opportunity to flourish without oppression.

    How could someone want ';that'; surgery?

    The person with transsexuality eventually must learn to accept their situation if they are to survive happily in self congruity, and not be rendered incapacitated by depression and other co-morbid mental health problems out of frustration and despair. They often have worked very hard at being everything they could for everyone else but no matter how hard they try, they always come up feeling empty and unfulfilled because they are still not whole. These feelings magnify over time until eventually the individual is overwhelmed in dysphoria. They may have tried to live in a role and style that is incongruous for a long, long time until it finally becomes unbearable?this can become a critical life threatening time for the transsexual. To simply try to even live in some sort of duality or ';alternative lifestyle'; without true physical and social alignment is to just continue the intolerable hypocrisy of a masquerade in a different form, still being something they are not. The ultimate goal is to be truthful and completely real unto themselves as their true gender identity dictates. The only real option left then becomes the social process of transitioning to their correct gender and also the medical process of hormone therapy and surgery. Physical pain and expenses become completely insignificant in comparison to the prospects of having to endure living life in a false way any longer.

    The Life Experience of a Transsexual.

    A person with transsexuality will almost always go through many devastating and long stages of fear, guilt, anger, shame, self loathing and emotional distress throughout their life as a result of the incongruity. They know that they will also likely face fear, hatred, prejudice, violence and rejection ?sometimes even from those they may love or respect most. No one wants or chooses to have this happen to them, so as a result transsexuals typically live seriously disrupted lives tangled in deep inner emotional conflict. They must go through a very long difficult process of getting beyond their internalized conflicts and societal pressures by learning to finally accept that this is just who they are, and these are the cards they have been dealt in life. It is then that they realize they must play it out to the best of their ability to achieve congruity, for their own health and well being.

    Often those with transsexuality will attempt almost anything in the world to avoid facing their fears and unavoidable situation, including super-human macho activities or careers, marriage, family, extreme creative endeavors or even turn to religion, drugs or alcohol to escape. Sooner or later though, if they have survived this far they will find that these things did not work and they must face yet another even greater battle with their transsexual ';demon';. The fear of facing the issue can instill an emotional paralysis that can be difficult if not impossible to shake. It is then that they must seek professional assistance to gain some kind of movement in their situation. There is an immense amount of deep inner personal work ahead for someone who reaches this point, many unfortunately, never make it. If they do, they come to realize that the ';demon'; was an internally fabricated myth woven out of fear of change, emotion, insecurity and social pressure - It was never even really there at all. As US President F.D.Roosevelt. put it - ';the only thing we have to fear is fear itself攏ameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts';

    The Final Freedom.

    Once the transsexual person has overcome their fears, guilt and shame and accepted themselves and learned to feel self worth, happiness and inner pride, with proper guidance they will move forward through transition and on to establish new lives in the properly aligned role. The period of time can be short sometimes for very young transsexuals who can't find coping skills in life or are less affected by social ';role'; pressures to conform to - or it can take years, even decades to unfold. The path can be a treacherous, painful, expensive, lonely and emotional one but it can be done successfully with the highly rewarding end result of rising above the flames of their torment and dysphoria like a Phoenix from the ashes.

    To just feel ';normal'; is something almost everyone takes for granted in life - For the person afflicted with transsexuality, it is the Holy Grail.

    Once an individual passes through the processes involved, wholeness of being is achieved and the person can transcend their past medical condition and live a balanced, normal life.

    Source: (link no longer active)
  • open up widgets
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  • Why do my guppies seem to have no male babies?

    we have had several batches of fry and so far have had no male babies. how long before i can determine the gender of fry? do fry change gender over time?Why do my guppies seem to have no male babies?
    No,they typically don't change gender. However,their gonopodiums (little fishy peenie!) don't really appear any different from female anatomy until a couple of months of age. Flick,a male guppy I bred accidentally,turned out to be a male just recently... and this whole time I've been thinking he was a she.Why do my guppies seem to have no male babies?
    In that case,occasionally possessive males will also eat any male fry offspring they have (if they're in the same tank). Salinity in the water,and temperature,have some minor things to do with it,too. I believe higher PH usually also spawns more females than males.

    Report Abuse

    O.K, thanks, ph i try to keep a bit on the alkaline side, but i'm starting to notice i may have a few males in there. Maybe i just havnt usually kept them long enuff before off loading them to the aquarium stores, thank you, and you may hear from me again. Can i e mail you?

    Report Abuse

    Basically all baby guppies will look like females until they grow up a bit. You should be able to tell them apart before too long.

    Becuase they like girls better.
    If you have fancy guppies. The male will have a pettier tail then the female as they get older too.
    You really cant tell if it is going to be male or female until it is a couple of months old

    Is there a safe Headlight cleaner women can use?

    Millions of bits of bad advise on how to clean headlights can be found on the internet and most require a lot of work, elbow grease, rubbing compound, polish, power buffers, power sprayers, sealers and sandpaper.

    Thats too much for some guys I know.

    Is there something out there that a woman can use without having to hire a man or change gender to use it?Is there a safe Headlight cleaner women can use?
    Pittman's Original One Step ALR is what I used. It's instant gratification. It very very easy to use. Less than 5 minutes for both headlights.

    No mess or any of that other stuff your mentioned.Is there a safe Headlight cleaner women can use?
    the rubbing compound works the best for me......a little elbow grease, and not alot of pressure will do the trick.

    unfortunately, there is no magic to beating out what works, or what is known to work!
    No there's no magic. Use a rubbing compound. Or an abrasive toothpaste in a pinch. My old headlamp lenses were so yellow, dingy, scratched, I actually started with fine sandpaper, then finished with a rubbing compound made specifically for that purpose (at a local auto parts store).
    Wow! I'm sure the products mentioned are okay but........Soap and water does a fine job as you wash the vehicle. If they are extra dirty, Windex sprayed on and wiped off does the trick. When I'm traveling I use the windshield washer brush at the stations when I fill up. Have been doing it for years and there is never been a problem and nothing could be easier! I use it on the tail lights as well.
    headlight cleaner?

    have you tried ...water?
    uh, soap and water?

    How old does a child have to be in order to use a recreation facility change room without parental supervision?

    If there is no ';family'; change room, when can a parent let a child use the opposite gender change room on their own.How old does a child have to be in order to use a recreation facility change room without parental supervision?
    In Ontario, Canada, children are allowed in the changing room of the opposite gender from babies up to age 6. Once they turn 7 they MUST use their own gender changing room. How old does a child have to be in order to use a recreation facility change room without parental supervision?
    There isn't a law I don' t think, but I wouldn't let my daughter do it until she was 7 or 8 and my husband would stand outside the door and wait for her. People are freaks, but I guess it is at your own comfort level.
    Are they old enough to take care of themselves, are they mature enough to share a public space without being disruptive?

    8 year olds usually can manage.
    check with the agency and see what their policies are about this

    FTM: Changing Gender mark?

    jw.. after taking T.. how and where do we go to change our gender mark?FTM: Changing Gender mark?
    It depends on where you live. In the USA each state has it's own rules and requirements. Here's a link to the legal page at

    Kyle: Be careful. The change in Massachusetts was for driver's licenses. Birth certificates are a totally different ball game.FTM: Changing Gender mark?
    it depends on your state. in ohio you have to have noterized letter from a doctor stating that you are male.
    Usually you need top surgery. Massachusetts recently passed a law to allow gender marker changes without surgery.

    How do you feel about the possibility of being born again and again? Would you want to have endless lives?

    It may be possible, in the future, to have endless lives due to advances in technology. You could change gender, change your physical appearance and have an entirely different life altogether. Would you take this potential offer?How do you feel about the possibility of being born again and again? Would you want to have endless lives?
    Yes. There is no way that I could experience the many many places, people, and things in this world in one life. I think it would take hundreds to feel like you have experienced everything.How do you feel about the possibility of being born again and again? Would you want to have endless lives?
    For what possible reason would you want to live forever?
    sounds exciting...way better than living one existence for eternity.
    I'm already bored with this life, why would I want it to never end?
    I don't want an endless life. I want one and thats it. This world isn't a nice place to be in at the moment.
    Say if this did happen and we could be born again in 2100, we could see how much of the world we fcuked up.
    The only things that last forever are memories and sorrow
    No , I'll take my chances with the Creator of Science. Temptation comes in many forms.
    It won't be possible due to what i believe and who would want that anyway.
    Even with advances in technology, this is completely hypothetical and could never happen. Still, my answer is No.

    BTW: people can change their gender and appearance now.
    it's already the reality, just most people are dreaming that this is all there is. Or some fantasy about being able to exist on some plane they're not able to visit now magically when they die. Or having to burn in some lake for eternity. You're not going to have a different life, just another life. You change your life as you do, later, just as now.
    OMG no. One life is more than enough. Think how hard it can be to fit in at a new school/job/town. Can you imagine fitting into a new century? No thank you.
    that would be awesome, but I would not like to live in this world when Zombies take over. And we all know that they will, eventualy take over.
    I wouldn't like it if I have to work to support myself. But it's still an interesting idea.
    It has always been possible, mainly because there is no such thing as the death of conscious awareness.

    When our physical vehicle dies our conscious awareness creates another. Exactly the same as it does every night when we dream. In that level of consciousness the reality is accepted as the only one. We have no memory of our waking existence at all apart from the odd scrap that is seamlessly incorporated.

    Nde's prove the seat of conscious awareness is not situated inside the body but external to it. There is no difference except the rate of vibration of the pure energy that is our conscious awareness. All levels exclude the memory of each other. We basically suffering from amnesia. lol

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
    I have recently come to acknowledge that I was, in fact, born okay the first time. I doubt these options will be available in my lifetime, but, even if they were, I do not know if I would accept this offer as I am quite happy in the life I lead presently.
    You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You[a] must be born again.' 8The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.'; John 3:7-9
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  • How do I change the gender of my avatar?

    A pal, who knows my password, has changed me into a girl! I found the page to change outfits, hairstyles etc but I don't know how to swap it back to male.

    Being a girl is fun, enjoyed playing with curly hair and pretty dresses but I think it would be best if I could get my own man back. Before I start to like this look too much!How do I change the gender of my avatar?

    haha!! thats funny!!

    well basically, go to the avatar page and above the tabs (like apparel etc) theres some smaller options. One of them is ';PREFERENCES'; click on that and change your gender :PHow do I change the gender of my avatar?
    I think you look kinda cute brian lol

    never change hehehehe
    But you look so cute!
    You poor little thing...I am so distressed for you. NOW... would someone really answer the question...I really thought I would see some form of a reply to HOW DO I CHANGE THE GENDER OF MY AVATAR? the internet is fun!

    How can I convince my father not to change his gender?

    yes thats right. About 1 month ago we had a family meeting and then my father announced that he is gay and he has a lover and he is going to change his gender to a female.

    The thing is that my mother also supports him :( because my dad told her that she can play with other guys...

    So it is totally messed up.

    How do I convince him not to change his gender? I cant get my moms help because she is already super excited to meet plenty of new guys as she says so...How can I convince my father not to change his gender?
    Awww, I'm so sorry, that must be super hard on you! The only thing you can do is talk to your dad and tell him how you feel. You can't force him to do anything, you can just beg him not to do it and hope for the best.

    Good luck.How can I convince my father not to change his gender?
    Let him cut it off...
    wow that must be hard..

    well i think you should have a serious talk with you dad and tell him your true feelings .. and what your going through, because all that is alot to take in.. so tell him how it can effect you or any other loved ones..i think the only chance you have on convincing him is showing your emotions, and maybe he wont do it

    anyways good luck .xox.
    If i was you i would plan everything out and get him a stripper or some kind of girl who is willing to give herself to him, and with that he will get back the emotions and feelings for girls....
    well lets put it this way your mums happy
    So your dad wants to become a woman?

    From what I have heard someone who wants to change their gender must live as that gender for at least a year before they can get any surgery檚 done. Your father would also need to go to counseling which i believe is requriedl. This is not small thing changing ones gender.

    You can tell him your feelings but in the end he is going to do what he wants. I recently show an episode on opera about this. Two girls PO that their dad had become a woman.

    How do you change the gender of your YAHOO! avatar?

    I am actually a girl, but I had a male avatar. Now I want to change back, but I don't know how.How do you change the gender of your YAHOO! avatar?
    Go to Then look up to the top right and click Preferences. Then next screen is to choose a gender. Male, Female or delete an avatar. It's best to Delete the one you have and start over. Click Save Changes.

    If your transgendered, were you able to change the gender on your US passport. How did you do it?

    As I said in your other question:

    Legal sex is defined by what's on your birth certificate.

    However, there is ONE exception:

    If you are a transsexual person going overseas for sex reassignment surgery you can obtain a Limited Validity Passport (LVP) with your identified gender on it. The LVP is good for one year and allows you to travel safely to and from the country you would be having your surgery. Now a word of warning: Some passport agencies don't realize the LVP exists and will try to turn you away. Ask to speak with a supervisor or go to another passport agency because LVP's for this purpose DO exist. You will need a letter from your surgeons office verifying that you are scheduled to have surgery with them.

    What are the black smudges on my fish and how do you know if your cichlid has changed its gender?

    I was wondering what the black smudges that seem to spreading are?

    Is it a sign of gender change, maturity, or is it fish cancer?What are the black smudges on my fish and how do you know if your cichlid has changed its gender?
    The black marks could be ammonia burns.What are the black smudges on my fish and how do you know if your cichlid has changed its gender?
    This is impossible to answer, because you didn't say what kind of cichlids you have.

    There are around 2,000 different species of cichlids, and various subspecies, distinct populations, and color varieties within many of the species.

    Black or dark smudges are normal on some cichlids as they mature. Again, it depends on what species and color morph you have.

    Sex change has been documented in a few cichlid species, but it is rare or nonexistent in the majority of species.
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  • How do i change my gender on Miss Bimbo??

    when i signed up it said i was a guy, i must have accidentally clicked it or something. But how do i change it to girl????? I tried going to my profile but i don't see how you're supposed to change your gender. Plzzz help!!!!!!!!!How do i change my gender on Miss Bimbo??
    You will have to contact support using that link. Just explain your problem, and I'm sure that one of the moderators or administrators will be able to fix that on your profile if it is really important to you.

    I need to know how to change the gender and DOB info on a myspace band profile.?

    Hey I have a myspace music account but my gender and age is ALL wrong, but It does NOT give me then option to change this in the edit profile menu, anyone know?I need to know how to change the gender and DOB info on a myspace band profile.?
    edit profile%26gt;%26gt;life style (i think) idk its under one of those tabs under edit profile.

    good luckI need to know how to change the gender and DOB info on a myspace band profile.?
    You can access the basic editing options for MySpace Music profiles by clicking the link below. Those who don't have music(band) profiles don't understand that this option is hidden on music profiles.

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    I am a female and i want change my gender what can i do?

    I am a female but i want to be a boy realy .My behaviors are such as a boy and i fall in love with my friend i want to married with her realy i love her .please tell me what shall i do? Anybody in world do this surgery? I want to know her feeling after surgery.please give me her ID or (now) his ID .I want to be touch with her .I want to know how his life now is.He desire of it or not.Thank you.I am a female and i want change my gender what can i do?
    There are many people who will do the surgery for you - but only if you are truly serious about it.

    You will first have to undergo quite severe psychological testing and counselling to make sure this is what you really want. After this you must undergo many courses of hormone therapy - this will up your testosterone levels and change your physical features and behaviours to be more masculine. After this they remove the breasts and insert pectoral implants (I'm told this is quite painful). The penis implant comes at the very end - not all trans gender people have this.

    The whole process can take up to 5yrs - usually from 2 to 3yrs though.

    You must ask yourself if you want the treatment if you truly want to become a man or just so you can marry the person you love. if it is the latter, then you can have a same sex commitment ceremony in places such as Hawaii or Germany.

    Good luck!I am a female and i want change my gender what can i do?
    walk around with a strap-on
    you know..back in jesus day..they stoned women who lie with women to death ;)read the bible honey..
    loving your own kind doesn't meant u have to change ur sex.

    changing your sex with make all your world diffent, u must think your family too, can your parent receive that?

    dunnot be selfish

    if she love you too, then she can recieve whatever u are.


    How can I get over an ex-loves' gender change?

    My first ';love'; and I split up over three years ago, due to a difference in opinion about monogamy. Within the following year, this person came to the conclusion that they identified with a different gender and have made some of the assumed changes since then. I would normally consider myself an accepting person, yet, in this situation, I am having the hardest time accepting the reality of things. I have been able to move on romantically, but havent been able to bring myself to let this person into my life. Should I? How can I?How can I get over an ex-loves' gender change?
    Regardless of how they look on the outside, they are still the same person on the inside. I am curious tho why you need to bring this person back into your life? As a friend? I would treat them as I would any ex-lover: friendly, but probably not going to be best buddies or anything. If you are having problems with their choice, you may not be able to be friends with them long-term.How can I get over an ex-loves' gender change?
    that's just akward

    How can you change the gender error on an DMV ID card?

    How can a person fix the gender error that is being made on an ID card? Does he/she have to get it done at a Court? and how long does the appromixate amount of time does it take for it to be fix?

    I also wonder if he or she is still able to go on a flight with that ID card if their is an gender error on the ID.How can you change the gender error on an DMV ID card?
    If the error is noted by the holder of the card and he/she still insist in using the ID, then he/she is using the ID card fraudulently. Odd since most of the times the authorities will ask the individual to make sure the information is correct before leaving the building.How can you change the gender error on an DMV ID card?
    Go down to DMV.

    They will have you fill out a form and mail you a correct copy. You will get a temporary copy right then.
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  • How do I change the gender of my avatar?

    It's set to female by mistake. Help?How do I change the gender of my avatar?
    To change your avatar's gender:

    Click this link.

    Preferences Click change. and your done.

    How do I change the gender of my avatar?
    ok just sign in yahoo then go to my profile then you'll see gender click edit and change it. Good luck ^.%26lt;
    If you go to Yahoo Avatars then to the right most tab locate preferences. Select preferences and it will allow you to change your avatar's gender.


    How do you change your gender marker on your Social Security account and what is required to do so? I live in New York State.HOW DO YOU CHANGE YOUR GENDER MARKER?
    Assuming you are a transsexual person:

    For transsexual women you must have sex reassignment surgery. Your surgeon will give you a certification letter and you will present that letter at your local Social Security office.

    I'm not sure about the rules in regards to trans men.

    You can more information about legal stuff here: DO YOU CHANGE YOUR GENDER MARKER?
    I don't know if you can do that. You would have find out through the state of New York, no actually, Social Security is a national thing. I would dial information
    trans men dont have to have gender reasignment surgery, or even breast reduction. They just have to have a psychologist sign off.

    I am a female and i want change my gender what can i do?

    I am a female but i want to be a boy realy .My behaviors are such as a boy and i fall in love with my friend i want to married with her realy i love her .please tell me what shall i do? Anybody in world do this surgery? I want to know her feeling after surgery.please give me her ID or (now) his ID .I want to be touch with her .I want to know how his life now is.He desire of it or not.Thank you. i need your help .

    I want maried with my friend realy.I am a female and i want change my gender what can i do?
    There are a number of surgeons around the world that will change your gender. The most prominent place for sex change surgery is Thailand, though I'm not sure why. I had an old roommate who's mother had a sex change surgery there, and apparantly (s)he had a lot of feeling in the new organ and could even orgasm, though there is no way to give you sperm or semen... that is you could never have a child after a sex change.I am a female and i want change my gender what can i do?
    you never change your gender because your a female

    How does taking hormones of any gender change a persons voice?

    Its fascinating that all one has to do is take hormones. But scientifically, how does this work?How does taking hormones of any gender change a persons voice?
    Other studies suggest that hormones play also an important role in vocal fold maturation. Hormones are molecules secreted into the blood stream to be delivered at different targeted sites. They usually promote growth, differentiation and functionality in different organs or tissues. Their effect is due to their ability to bind to intracellular receptors, modulating the gene expression, and subsequently regulating protein synthesis. The interaction between the endocrine system and tissues such as breast, brain, testicles, heart, bones, etc, is being extensively studied. It has clearly been seen that the larynx is somewhat affected by hormonal changes, but surprisingly, very few studies are working on elucidating this relationship. The effect of hormonal changes in voice is clearly seen when hearing male and female voices, or when listening to a teenage voice changing during puberty. Actually, it is believed that the number of hormonal receptors in the pre-pubertal phase is higher than in any other age. Menstruation has also been seen to influence the voice. In fact, singers are encouraged by their instructors not to perform during their pre-menstrual period, because of a drop in their voice quality.

    Vocal fold phonatory functions are known to change from birth to old age. The most significant changes occur in development between birth and puberty, and in old age. Hirano et al. previously described several structural changes associated with aging, in the vocal fold tissue. Some of those changes are: a shortening of the membranous vocal fold in males, a thickening of the vocal fold mucosa and cover in females, and a development of edema in the superficial lamina propria layer in both sexes. Hammond et al. observed that the HA content in the vocal fold lamina propria was significantly higher in males than in females. Although all those studies did show that there are clear structural and functional changes seen in the human VF which are associated with gender and age, none really fully elucidated the underlying cause of those changes. In fact, only a few recent studies started to look at the presence and role of hormone receptors in the VF. Newman et al. found that hormone receptors are indeed present in the VF, and show a statistical distribution difference with respect to age and gender. They have identified the presence of androgen, estrogen, and progesterone receptors in epithelial cells, grandular cells and fibroblasts of VF, suggesting that some of the structural changes seen in the VF could be due to hormonal influences. In this specific study, androgen and progesterone receptors were found more commonly in males than in females. In others studies, it has been suggested that the estrogen/androgen ratio be partly responsible for the voice changes observed at menopause. As previously said, Hammond et al. showed than the HA content was higher in male than in female VF. Bentley et al. demonstrated that sex skin swelling seen in monkey was due to an increase in HA content, which was in fact mediated by estrogen receptors in dermal fibroblasts. An increase in collagen biosynthesis mediated by the estrogen receptors of dermal fibroblasts was also observed. A connection between hormone levels, and ECM distribution in VF depending on age and gender could be made. More particularly a connection between higher hormone levels and higher HA content in males could exist in the human vocal fold tissue. Although a relationship between hormone levels and ECM biosynthesis in vocal fold can be established, the details of this relationship, and the mechanisms of the influence has not been elucidated yet.How does taking hormones of any gender change a persons voice?
    RE-posting this fallacy will NOT make true,kid.

    How does taking hormones of any gender change a persons voice?

    Its fascinating that all one has to do is take hormones. But scientifically, how does this work?How does taking hormones of any gender change a persons voice?
    Well, you have to understand how gender works. Female is the default gender. It's testerone (triggered by the 'y' chromosome) that signals tissues to become male instead of female.

    When people start taking hormone treatments, they're basically entering puberty again, the vocal cords respond to the testosterone and the tissues start to grow as they would in a male body.

    It's easier for women to transition into men because female tissues is designed to become male when exposed to testosterone, that is, if it's in an area that is designed to change during puberty, like the vocal cords. It's that natural testosterone in teen boys that suddenly makes their voice become deeper.

    It's not as easy for men, because male tissue is not designed to go back to being female once it's come in contact with testosterone. This is why, MtF transgenders have a much easier time transitioning, and have less noticeable masculine traits, if they start hormone treatment in their early teens. This way their body is never subjected to the testosterone that will permanently change their body.How does taking hormones of any gender change a persons voice?
    It may have been exactly what you were looking for, but it's wrong! Outside the genitalia there is no such thing as male or female tissue. And even that tissue has a common fetal origin.It's the hormone balance of the body that guides development.Males are testosterone dominant,females it's estrogen

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    Estrogen does NOTHING to the voices of transsexual women that have already been through puberty. Transsexual women spend countless hours re-training their voices to sound female.

    In transsexual men testosterone enlarges and lengthens the vocal cords, deepening the voice much the same way it does in normal male puberty.
    I didnt think it did? unless a woman took male hormones. the voice would deepen.
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  • I want to change my name and gender and its not legal here in the Philippines?

    I am a post op MtF trans, I have heard that Canada has a law on legally changing the gender and name on the birth certificates. How can i get a visa to migrate to Canada for that certain case of mine? Can i apply for the refugee migration? I need legal help. ThanksI want to change my name and gender and its not legal here in the Philippines?
    All I can suggest is speaking with someone a the Canadian embassy in Manilla. I have no idea what they will say as I'm not from Canada, but it's worth a shot.I want to change my name and gender and its not legal here in the Philippines?
    I have no clue on what you should do in this case but what radgal suggests sound logical to me

    If you could change genders for a day, would you?

    And what is the one thing you would want to experience???

    Personally, I would like to have sex with a woman but I would have no idea how to do it!If you could change genders for a day, would you?
    I really like my penis. I don't know if I can give it up for a whole day. lolIf you could change genders for a day, would you?
    No, it would just freak me out too much!! I like being a girl.
    that time of the month!
    I probably would, yeah.

    Just to ';walk a mile in someone else's shoes';.

    Hit on girls all the time, experience being kicked in the balls...

    Yeah. I'd do it. :]
    You mean, change sex? There's a difference between gender and sex.

    If I could change sex for a day, I would love it! I would want to make love to my girlfriend (she's bi).
    yes I would, but ONLY for one day

    I would probably try some high kick-*** heels. My own shoes hurt me sometimes when i spend a lot of time in them, let alone heels. I would die hahahahaha
    i think maybe just to see what its like id still be aggressive id be that tomboy right ';dont mess with me';
    HELL yes. even tho i love being a girl and never would wanna change that, im still kinda curious of what its like to be a guy... id like to see if theyre rly horny enough to think abt sex every few secs lol.

    nope,i love being a woman. even though i wonder how men really are.

    it would most likely be difficult for a woman to even know how to act like a guy, and what to do with a penis. LADIES BE GLAD WE ALL HAVE VAGINA'S!
    yeah! it would be interesting! not only to see what i would look like but to see how i would be treated. you know, id act the same but i'd have boobies! it would be cool to see how a day in the life of a girl is.
    no, i love my penis way too much.
    there is this guy i like and if i had a sex change for a day, i would hit that guy and have sex with him and when he wakes up the next morning realising that i'm actually a man, that would turn him gay..and my dream of being together with him have finally come true,....
    sure why like to pee standing up just once...haha
    hell yeah i would!
    Nooooooo. Not for a day, not for an hour, not for an instant would I want to be one of the short-legged, constipated, unblinking sex. There is nothing that I'm curious about, nothing that I can imagine wanting to experience from the dark, slow, dull side of things. And if I could be changed over, there would always be the possibility of getting stuck there...far too great a risk.
    Oh definitely. I'm bisexual, or pansexual or whatever it is I'm supposed to be calling it now. Point is, my sex? Does not matter at all to me. I am happy as a woman, and I'd probably be just as happy as a guy. Plus, hey, pee standing up! That'd rock.

    yes love to be a female and go shoping

    Guys!How do save yourself among kinnars who trapped you &going to change your gender by force?

    In recent teenager boy named

    as TARUN,was trapped by HIZRAs or KINNARS

    who got entered in his house with knives and

    other equipments in a group of 6 to7

    to trap the boy and intendeded to remove

    his genitals to make him kinnar.but,fortunately

    his parents and neighbours protected him

    and saved him by beating and driving

    them from the place.Later on,police case

    was filed against those criminal kinnars.Guys!How do save yourself among kinnars who trapped you %26amp;going to change your gender by force?
    hahahahahhaa coooooooooooooooool :P tell me friend if they tried to change urs ? haahah i never seen such :P if they chased u that mean u r special to them , cool u r VIP hahhaha

    How do i change the gender of my avitar?

    i wanted to make a animated yahoo thingy when i accedentallly made it a boy. how do i change it?How do i change the gender of my avitar?
    If you have already chosen the gender of your avatar, you can click PREFERENCES in the top right hand side of the screen. That will bring you to a page with two options, one of them being able to change the gender of your avatar. You can click on that, and then you will have a female avatar. Good luck!

    How do you change ur avitars gender?

    My sis forgot to change the gender to female and now she has a male avitar. Please if any one can help me spill!!!How do you change ur avitars gender?
    Go to the Avatar page.

    Click the ';Preferences'; tab. (rightt side)

    Click the ';Change'; button in the ';Change My Avatar's Gender'; section. Click ';Switch Gender.';

    goodluck ^_^How do you change ur avitars gender?
    go to your e-mail and click on the aviter
    change your gender on your yahoo email account
    u go to the avatar pg

    and click preferences on the top right hand corner

    u'll cthe change gender option from there
    jst fart on ur avtar and its gender will automatically change.

    try it it really works.
    go to your yahoo e-mail and change it there
    go to and this will help you.
    There is a button that says... change avitar's gender, click it
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  • Anybody know how to change the gender of my avatar?

    I accidentally clicked on male when I meant to click on female and now I can't find anywhere to change it. I don't want a male avatar.Anybody know how to change the gender of my avatar?
    Go to Yahoo! Avatars and click Preferences on the top right side of the page, or click this direct link and click Change.Anybody know how to change the gender of my avatar?
    i think after you choose it you can't change I've tried good luck!!

    How do I change the gender of my avator?

    I want to make a new avator to save. How do I make it a guy instead of a girl?How do I change the gender of my avator?
    Click your avatar to go to your My Q %26amp; A page.

    Click Edit My Info.

    Click Edit My Yahoo! Avatar.

    On the Avatars page, click Preferences.

    On the Preferences page, click Change in the Change My Avatar's Gender area of the page.How do I change the gender of my avator?
    by going into the area and restartign and pressing clear on your avatar. k? kool
    Change her tools with a boy.
    Log in in2 ur Yahoo account and u'll see ur avitor there, click on it and the aviator edit page will open, from there u click da button clear and start a new aviatot that it.

    What will i do to change my gender in my birthcertificate?

    im a real woman but in my birthcertificate it appeared as a male.I discovered this when i was already in collage.I am a i need to hire a lawyer?how long it will take ?What will i do to change my gender in my birthcertificate?
    you need to go to NSO for that

    Saturday, November 20, 2010

    I mistakenly hit the male button but need a female avitar can anyone tell me how to change the gender?

    I need to change the gender on my Avitar can anyone tell me how after the gender has already been selected.I mistakenly hit the male button but need a female avitar can anyone tell me how to change the gender?
    Go to your Q %26amp; A page, click edit my info, then click edit my yahoo avitar, then click preferences in upper right corner, then click change my avatar gender. Don't forget to save after you make your changes and you are done!

    Hope this helps!!!I mistakenly hit the male button but need a female avitar can anyone tell me how to change the gender?
    You could contact a surgeon that specializes on avatars try the yellow pages
    Go to settings and change the male or female chosen.
    go into your yahoo avitar page and go to settings and you can change it in is simple and easy :)

    How do u change the gender on your bebo if u already made it?

    ma friend already made his bebo and it said female. and he asked me how to change it but i need help. asap!!!!!!How do u change the gender on your bebo if u already made it?
    go here and change it: do u change the gender on your bebo if u already made it?
    ask the website tech support

    uh what is a bebo and where is the site that needs it?
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  • How do you change your gender on the honesty box facebook app?

    it says im neutral but i want to change it to femaleHow do you change your gender on the honesty box facebook app?
    First off, you should have started out with it on female, unless you had some whacked-out surgery. second, try something like settings. If that doesnt work. undo the app, and remake it and set it how you need/want it

    How do you change the gender of a Sim?

    My sim on ';Sims 2'; had a baby boy, but I don't want a boy. Does anyone know how I can change it to a girl?How do you change the gender of a Sim?
    Gender of the child is decided at birth. If you really want one gender and not the other, the only effective way to do it is to save just before the birth and keep replaying it till you get the gender you want. Say you got a boy first, exit without saving and go back into the lot at the save point and try again. It can be a bit of a fiddle. You can also change gender in SimPE but it's not 100% effective and can cause problems for the game.How do you change the gender of a Sim?
    You cannot change it.Once its born a boy,it's a boy.You'll simply have to make another baby
    As far as I know you can't. What you get is what you get just like in real life. =)
    you can't do it but you can adopt a new baby . just call phone and choose service and adopt service
    Sorry you cannot change a gender.

    Is sexual reassignment surgery just cosmetic? Isn't it impossible to actually change your gender?

    This one website I was looking at said that sexual reassignment surgery saved lives and was therefore not cosmetic. How does it save lives if the people's body is functioning healthfully and normally, but it is rather the mind that has the issue? Was that website indicating that the person would most certainly commit suicide? Shouldn't people who have psychological disorders get psychological counseling to solve their mental problems rather than mutilating themselves with surgery and hormones, even if it does make them happy? Is self-centered happiness worth sterility and harming the relationships you have with the people close to you?Is sexual reassignment surgery just cosmetic? Isn't it impossible to actually change your gender?
    It's a personal choice. I know people who want it and haven't yet got it and some who have had the surgery already. They don't seem to be any happier afterwards. The guys STILL date gay men after surgery. . If they are anatomically correct, it would seem like they would want a straight guy and live happily ever after. I haven't been able to figure it out.Is sexual reassignment surgery just cosmetic? Isn't it impossible to actually change your gender?
    i dunno but my state heathcare book says they wont pay for it!!!
    Actually gender is determined at some point during gestation in the mother's womb (at about 13-16 wks) and if something truamatic happens to the mother or to the child through the mother (a medication or car accident or ???) that could effect the sexual determination and the child could be born with conflicting gender determinates. The brain could be female and the organs male or vice a versa or there could be hermaphroditism where both sexual organs are present to a greater and lesser degree. This of course can cause confusion for the child within his/her family and society as a whole. Transgendered persons are NOT necessarily homosexual and in general the two are not related except that society has relagated them to the same place on lists. Rather like lumping all mental health issues into the same grouping but other physical health issues getting their own individual categories.

    The real question here is how far does medicine go to ';correct'; ';birth defects';? As far as we can? Addictions have been said to have a genetic determinant and yet we do not consider addicts to have the right to ';an alternative lifestyle';, we do all we can to help them find a solution to their disease. If there was surgery to cure addiction but it brought on other problems and made people societal outcasts would we do it? I don't know the answers to these questions but I do know some transgendered people (one of them used to be my male pastor and because we belong to a very conservative church body he could not continue in the ministry as a woman) and I know they agonize long over the decision to do surgery.

    What are the requirements / process to change my Gender in my passport?

    i got my passport (renewal) last April...i didn't notice that my gender is MALE instead of will i change it? How much time will it takes? please help..thanks

    Ash922What are the requirements / process to change my Gender in my passport?
    it has to go back to the passport office not try to use it ...

    Does anyone know how to change your myspace Gender thing?

    Like where it says


    %26lt;age%26gt; years old


    United States';

    How can I change the gender thing so I can make it say something else?Does anyone know how to change your myspace Gender thing?
    log into your myspace

    when your page comes up, click edit profile

    when that page comes up, click the basic info tab at the top...third tab change your gender..bday..occupation..whatever you want to change and then at the bottom click save

    then click home and your new info is saved!

    hope this helped =]Does anyone know how to change your myspace Gender thing?
    Go to edit profile

    then go to

    Basic info



    dot your gender:]
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