Well, you have to understand how gender works. Female is the default gender. It's testerone (triggered by the 'y' chromosome) that signals tissues to become male instead of female.
When people start taking hormone treatments, they're basically entering puberty again, the vocal cords respond to the testosterone and the tissues start to grow as they would in a male body.
It's easier for women to transition into men because female tissues is designed to become male when exposed to testosterone, that is, if it's in an area that is designed to change during puberty, like the vocal cords. It's that natural testosterone in teen boys that suddenly makes their voice become deeper.
It's not as easy for men, because male tissue is not designed to go back to being female once it's come in contact with testosterone. This is why, MtF transgenders have a much easier time transitioning, and have less noticeable masculine traits, if they start hormone treatment in their early teens. This way their body is never subjected to the testosterone that will permanently change their body.How does taking hormones of any gender change a persons voice?
It may have been exactly what you were looking for, but it's wrong! Outside the genitalia there is no such thing as male or female tissue. And even that tissue has a common fetal origin.It's the hormone balance of the body that guides development.Males are testosterone dominant,females it's estrogen
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Estrogen does NOTHING to the voices of transsexual women that have already been through puberty. Transsexual women spend countless hours re-training their voices to sound female.
In transsexual men testosterone enlarges and lengthens the vocal cords, deepening the voice much the same way it does in normal male puberty.
I didnt think it did? unless a woman took male hormones. the voice would deepen.
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