Monday, November 22, 2010

Gender change?

what happens when they change your gender in casualty?? I enjoy being a girl!! Because I have a cute boyfriend and make- up bla bla bla. but seriously what happens what do they do? I haven't a clue how they would do all that changing them from female to male or vice versa. Does anyone know how its done?Gender change?
Lots of ormonal therapy to fill up the difference in hormonal balance between sexes, extensive plastic surgeries to remove secondary sexual characteristics and eventually external primary ones, for example removing breast for a woman wanting to be a man, or applying fake ones viceversa and reshaping the external appearance of sexual organs, a lot of psychological and speech therapy to learn how to be and speak like the selected gender and similar stuff.Gender change?
i hate to nitpick, but what you are referring to is a sex change, not a gender change. gender is a social construct, sex is the physical manifestation of genes and such. and a sex change operation depends on which sex you want to be. but essentially you are given a type of cosmetic surgery to make your genitals look like, and function like, the sex that you want to be. in addition you are given hormone injections and suppressants, and women will have their breasts removed.
Technically, you are talking about a sex change, which you could ask about in the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender category, where people would be a bit more informed (though quite a few people have given good answers, vs just saying ';ewwww';).

And not all people go the full surgical route. Some only take hormones, some don't do anything physically (hormonally or surgically) but dress the part of the other gender (which I think is a bit sexist, depending on what you wear).

If they change hormonally or dress differently, they still consider themselves the other gender, and they are not cross-dressing.

Some gay men cross-dress, but so do straight men, and even if the women might not call it such, some straight women ';cross-dress'; since they rarely if ever wear clothing associated with femininity (such as a dress or skirt). And of course, some lesbians cross dress as well (that is the stereotypes about all lesbians, which is not true)

But my information is from documentaries, books, articles, and research, not from actual experience. I've met a few transgendered people (friends of friends), but didn't know them very well, and didn't feel it was appropriate to ask such personal questions about their choices.
No matter how much you mutilate yourself to look like the opposite sex, you can't change your DNA, just a reminder.
I don't know the specifics but it's a long and arduous process, starting with hormones.

The woman has breasts removed and her vagina is fashioned into a penis, something about sewing the opening shut, surgically extending the urethra, and restructuring the remains.

Basically it takes a lot of money and a handful of surgeries in order to accomplish a sex change.
';in casualty';? what does that mean?


First, you have therapy with a licensed sex-change therapist, to see if it's really what you want to do, and to coach you through the changes.

During that, you start living as the other sex: using that name, dressing as the sex you're changing to, etc.

You take hormones.

Then, after all of these things have been going on for a while, you have surgery.

No, the whole process takes a LOT longer than a week.
It takes a LONG time.. Years even.

I'm not completely sure about the order, but they have to start you out with gender therapy, put you on hormones, have you live life as the opposite gender, etc, before they go ahead and do the surgery. It's not like you're a girl one week, and the next week you're a guy. The whole procedure takes quite a while. Even when the surgery finally gets going, it takes a while for it to be finished.
Surgically. The new penis is created from the existing vagina; or the new vagina from the existing penis. However, the new male does not produce sperm, and the new female cannot get pregnant because does not produce eggs.

Breasts are removed, reduced, or refashioned, or enhanced.

Prior to the surgery, hormones are taken so the new male has a beard, or the new female does not have a beard.
I don't know and I don't think I'd want to know..EeeWww!
i would rather not to talk about this. why dont you go to yahoo and there's an article about it. or go to this link:,5744.0.html

maybe u'll understand. try copy n paste

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