Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How Can You Change What Gender You Are Attracted To...?

I am attracted to guys, but it kind of makes me depressed.How Can You Change What Gender You Are Attracted To...?
You can't change who you are attracted to you can only pretend to like someone that you are not attracted too. It's best just to be true to your self.How Can You Change What Gender You Are Attracted To...?
Ur welcome and thanks! :-)

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You can't change it. You are what you are. Period.
See a doctor
you can't. a homo is a homo, a hetero is a hetero. why does that make you sad?? do you think being a homo is wrong??
aaaaaaw hun you cant change what gender your attracted too. Love who you are and those who know and love you will love you no matter what. Who cares what everyone else thinks. Smile, hold your head up and except who you are.
You can't help it if you like the same gender. I'm bi. I just am. If it makes you depressed, it's probably because other people are making you feel that way. Accept who you are. Be proud of it.
Why are you depressed about? =( You shouldn't be depressed about how you feel, you can't help it. It's better to embrace it, be happy wth yourself! =)

and p.s. no, you can't change who you're attracted to.
What is it that makes you feel depressed? Are you even interested in girls? I think it's hard to change who you're attracted to. I'd suggest seeing a counselor to just talk about this stuff with. He/she may be able to help you deal with what you are going through.
you cant change that sorry to say but it sounds to me like you have just not meet the right type of guys try changing the clubs you go to or where ever it is you met these guys and you never know i believe there is someone for everyone keep your chin up
Simple. You choose! God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Trust Him. It's not easy in todays world, but you can :)
Awwww Honey no dont be depressed,you cant change what feelings you have,mabay talk to someone get it all off ya chest! *hug*
if you are naturally attracted then you can't help the way you feel, I guess you feel depressed because of society and the way you may be made to feel if you were gay. I think you could find a girl and get close to her, but you may be lying to her and yourself and all will end in tears, best take a long hard look at yourself, take a deep breath and jump in, then start swimming friend, you will survive and be a happier person in the end.!!!
Hey, what is wrong with being attracted to another guy?

Are you not at all attracted to girls?

If you need someone to talk to you can always contact me at NotToExpressive@aol.com
I'm a guy and at times being attracted to guys makes me depressed....LOL

Buddy, get some support!

Make gay friends to talk about your feelings.

You can have a great life as a gay man. If you are surrounded by religious folk with little resources then talk to God. He does not dissappoint. God loves you, Gay or straight. Don't believe what you are told. You count in this world. It will take time for others to understand...or not. You must strenthen yourself not to fight but to deflect other beliefs.

Many will tell you to pray, or trust Jesus....etc.

I did that.....many years later I was still attracted to men.
Why Would You Want To?

And Whats With The Capitals?
Sweetie,depression can lead to mental illness and worse,you could stop functioning normally like anyone else.Talk to someone you can trust or if not,make an appointment with the nearest gp.Remember that in this life,nothing is perfect so don't panic and don't start planning what you must do or not to do.In every cloud there is a silver lining.People like us who are attracted to the same gender/gays/whatever survive best when we involve ourselves in arts eg.poetry,painting,gardening etc.but that is just a generalisation anyway.Make your life colourful and as rich as it can be.remember there are millions out there who are struggling with their lives,not just us.I'm just not sure,judging by your avatar,if you are plain camp or a bi-guy(or are you something else).But if you really want a boyfriend and not just a friend, then you have to start grooming yourself-bodywise,facewise,personality and go and visit the gay clubs in London which is the best place for you to experiment.Are you still at university coz if you are surely there is an LGBT society?Honey, a rose is a rose and by any o ther name smells just as sweet.If you improvise or make some changes then peopleeven guys would start noticing you this is the new millenium.the opportunity for self-expression.just don't go overboard and flirt with a guy publicly!But you still have the rights to express what you feel and what's on your mind.
Other than lying to yourself (which incidentally won't actually work), nothing.

If you're depressed seek medical help; the depression may not just be because you're gay.

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