Male Betta's have long flowing fins and the females have short fins with body stripes.
Most Betta's with the best of care only live about a year in captivity, maybe longer in a good working tank, but not long in bowls.
The white spot sounds like an infection of some sort. You can take a picture of it and take the pic to the pet store and they could give you some medicine for it .How old do beta fish live to be?
they live to be like 2-3 years old..
depends on how big your tank is, long time for bigger tanks if they can't swim cuz there is no rm i don't think they can live to long
i'm not sure how long they live, but mine jumped out of the water and landed in a dry glass next to it's tank. i'm not sure how long it was in there, but i was amazed to see that it was still breathing when i found it and it lived a long time afterwards.....till i flushed it anyway....the damn thing wouldn't die!!
are those the chinese fighting fish that you cant really put more than one in a tank?
if they are, i know someone whos had one for over 7? years i think?
as for the changing genders thing.. i dont know.
haha after reading some of the other answers, i have a feeling i may be wrong about the 7 years thing. i couldve sworn tahts what he told me??
yes 1-2 years max..and your guy has an infection or a fungus.most captive betas die in about a year unless
you're VERY careful AND lucky. they get infections over
and over again.
Ive had my same fish for 2 years ,I think if you keep the tank really clean we clean ours every 2 weeks and I only feed them 3x a week they';ll live longer at least mine have.
Betta tend to live for only a couple years.
I KNOW what you are talking about with the male going stripey. I have seen this when a male is getting old and his color loses its vibrant brilliance. The stripes become more evident and he looks plain.
It's sad, swimming becomes sluggish. As he gets older, he also loses his resistance to disease. A swollen body is a generic form of dropsy, general illness. I've never had a 'cure' for it but when a fish gets dropsy they are on their way out. :(
My goldfish that I kept would life five or 10 additional years after I got them. Male betta would normally be under a year old when I buy them and usually did not last more than two years after that. :(
A random page on dropsy I found:
Bettas can't change genders, and females don't have large belly even if they are full of eggs. Generally healthy betta live 3-5 years. It sounds like he has the early stages of organ failure leading to dropsy. As a result of poor water quality over his life time. He might benefit from weekly cleanings, and maybe a course of melafix, or bettafix. A salt treatment of 1 tea spoon per 2.5 gallon might help as well.
for some reason my betas only live for like a month and misteriously died....hmm...i dunno.
whenever i wanted my betas to live, they stayed alive for about 2 hrs, but then i got one that i didn't like and he lived for 5 and half years. true. they're spiteful . if you want them to live, they die. when you want them to die, they live.
my betta lived to be 5 yrs old i had him in a 10 gal. tank all by himself with lots of plants and caves for him to play in. the fish does get a swollen belly when its old.
Male Bettas live over 5 years with excellant care and I've heard of 10 but that is very exceptional. They should do well for over 3 years.
Keep them warm ,low eighties with regular water changes. A good mixed diet and try to include some live foods.
they live longer than 2 or 3 years cause my is going on 3 or 4 and doing just fine. i clean the tank out when it starts lookin dirty and feed it every day once!
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