Go seek the assistance of a gender therapist. Or a therapist that specializes in Gender Identity Disorder.
If you are really Transsexual, you and your therapist will work out a plan for gender transition.
How long it will take will depend upon you and your therapist.How do i change my gender?
errr you can do that when ever you want, but the only way is an expensive surgery. I'm not sure on the specifics though.
look up doctors in your area that do gender reassignment surgeries. at least consult with them so you have an idea of the cost, complications, and recovery. i have heard it is very expensive, but i'm sure its worth it for those stuck in the wrong body.
You have to undergo hormone therapy and alot of psychological evaluations before a doctor will even consider doing it.
General semantics note: ';gender'; = your psyche. Can't change that, it's in your brain. ';Sex'; = physical form that brain inhabits. That's what you can change. Note that there's also social-sex role/presentation - that's how you're seen by other people. That you can also change, though this change may or may not corrospond directly to changes in one's physical sex.
Basically, step one = research. Finding a good shrink who's worked with a lot of trans people in transition (transition = the process of changing from living as a man to living as a woman) is a good start. Support groups or social clubs or whatnot are also not a bad idea. Most people start out by changing their life incrimentally - changing their wardrobe, changing their hair, adopting a new name, etc.
Generally speaking, as far as physical changes go, most people start with hormonal therapy. It has a more dramatic impact on your appearance than surgery (except possibly facial feminization surgery for some people), and costs far less. Most people get hormonal therapy by getting a letter from a shrink certifying that you're trans and basically emotionally stable, and you give that letter to an endocrinologist who writes the perscription for hormonal treatment.
You can't change your gender- gender is what's between your ears, sex is what's between your legs. If you feel you are a woman inside, then that IS your gender... but if you were born male, then you need to change your sex characteristics. (Facial hair, other hair growth, breasts, voice, fat distribution, genitalia, etc.) This is done through hormone therapy and in many cases, surgery. (SRS, breast implants, tracheal shaves.)
I suggest learning everything possible before you do ANYTHING. Read up on Gender Identity Disorder (Gender Dysphoria), transgender, transsexualism, etc. Find a therapist in your local area and maybe even some support groups. That'll really help.
Good luck!
you can't, you can hire an unethical surgeon to give you hormone supplements and mutilate you surgically but you cannot in any way actually alter your gender.
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