Tuesday, September 13, 2011


why do people think that just because they are transgendered they are really the opposite sex. mentally they are and by physical appearance. however, they can not change their true gender identity biologically since they were born a specific gender which the DNA and chromosomes still exist. they may be able to change appearance and change their privates but it is still artificial and its not like a man can get a sex change and have a uterus, ovaries and be able to conceive. and technically they may be able to hide the fact that they were once the opposite gender and legally change your identity but no matter what your still the same sex just in a different appearance so even if your a man dating a woman after having a sex change your still gay. its doesn't actually change anything. i understand they may feel like the belong to the opposite sex and they change gender so that they can still date the same sex but identify as the opposite and appear ';straight';. but its really doesn't change who you really are. its like plastic surgery, your stil the same person, but now you have a fake body. you are the gender you born with whether you believe it or not. you can only think persoanlly that you belong to another gender because of either your sexuality, you relate better with the other sex, or you feel something wrong with your body. right? but its never truely changed and you'll can only change yourself to satisfy who you think you are in your mind and how you picture your true self if you were to be the other sex. catch my drift. im not generalizing anything people so dont put words in my mouth. psychologically you believe you belong to the other sex but biologically you are created the gender you are, which no matter what is still you..........................?
i'd disagree with part of your question, but yes the concept of gender in dna can be one thing. However gender is far more ambigoues in the form of genetics than what you think. I feel that changing your genetalia is not going to do what most hope it will. However i feel that is their choice to make

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ugh im not tryna be rude but that LGBT section is there for a REASON...just repost it there and ask them that you ARE ABSOLUTLEY not tryna offend any...i dont have a clue about that stuff and im not gonna telle you my guess b'cuz im not tryna preach the wrong stuff
This is indeed 100% true
THIS FORUM IS FULL OF 14 YEAR OLDS. (sorry 4 caps)

they can't help u.

your DNA and plumbing don't mean ****. If u are transgendered in your head then the problem lies with your physical body.

EDIT: R U a Jesus freak or something?

if u r a woman in your head but u have a penis then physically u r the wrong gender.

U can't change who u r in your head so the penis has to go.

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