Monday, June 6, 2011

Living in Canada, When and how can I change my gender on documents?

I live in Ontario Canada and I am transgendered. I will be starting hormone therapy soon. I know that I can change my name at any given time once I fill out the papers and whatnot. BUT when is it time for me to change my gender from female to male?? Do I have to be living as male for a certain amount of time? Please help!Living in Canada, When and how can I change my gender on documents?
I know that my son (in BC) was able to change his name and the status on his drivers license within eight months of starting to take T. I believe it only took a doctors note for the Drivers licensing branch to issue a new ID for him.

Hope this helpsLiving in Canada, When and how can I change my gender on documents?

As I'm a straight person I know of 2 people in my life that have made the complete change over.....So they could ONLY make legal and on legal documents when all the processors were completed then and only then doctor /s will sign documents in your behalf; To be of Truth, stamped, and with hospital records backing completed transitions.

As for your name change You can do this right now, as you need not one single operation to change anything. Good luck on your new journey through life and happiness.

Edit: I'm sorry dear I read your question all wrong until I read the posting under mine. (I thought you meant: When can I legally be listed as a male?)- Sorry.
Not exactly an answer but the links may be of some use.

Entirely as a guess I think there's a point where a specialist agrees that you are the new gender and have no intention to reverse the decision, I'm not sure if gender re-assignment surgery is a necessary pre-urequisite but suspect it is.

FTMs have much lower visibility than MTFs so I can imagine it's a very difficult road needing to explain so many times that it can get boring, For that I don't envy you at all and for that I know it will make sure you are 100% sure of the decision.

Best of luck, perhaps someone with personal experience can offer better advice.

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