Saturday, November 20, 2010

How do you change the gender to girl on Pokemon diamond ds?

When ever I try I always get the boy and I want the girl cos im a girl.. GGGRRR!How do you change the gender to girl on Pokemon diamond ds?
The pokemon or person? oO When you start, you just press the right arrow key on the D pad when it requests your gender. For the pokemon starter, save before you pick your pokemon and SR until you get a female one. In wild pokemon however, its all by chance.How do you change the gender to girl on Pokemon diamond ds?
you cant but here is some tips for getting the right gender that suits the pokemon

1st.some pokemon are only 1 gender such as a vespiqueen is always a female

2nd.legenedaries and some other pokemon dont have genders e.g porygon

3.rd if its a 1 of a kind of pokemon in that region such as turtwig you should save the game before you pick the pokeball so that way if its not the right

gender/nature you can restart it.

4.genders have diffrent stats from each other

Males have more atk and spatk

and on the other hand

Females have more defence and spdefence then males.

that is assuming that there the same nature.
just get over it. Da gender doesnt matter. Nd if u want a female later in the game males can actually lay eggs in the daycare if they're wif a ditto. I know its kinda messed up.

Also just in case u mean the persons gender it asks u right wen u click new game nd prof. rowan is talkin 2 u
is it the pokemon gender? if it is, you better breed them.. If you're lucky you'll get a female..even in starters.. i got a female turtwig and chimchar..its just by timing..
Some pokemon have a better chance of being a girl then a boy. But just keep trying and you will eventually get the right gender you want.

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