Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What does God say about males and females having operations to change their genders?


I don't suppose there were operations in biblical times, and its not just the sex aspect, but I keep hearing, seeing, learning more and more about 'transgenders' and how determined they are to change their sexes.What does God say about males and females having operations to change their genders?
There was . it was called circumcision . Then it tells of the eunuchs .

Matthew 19:12

For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.';

the bible tells that a creation of man was made BEFOR ADAM .

Adam was the last .

But those others were of both sex .

See genesis .

And god made man of both male and female .

This is Asexual being . And those are where Cain found his wife .

But people cant look back at that time and not apply what they know now .

Such as man being fully born . And notice later it tells that a midget is a sin to this god .

Most say there IS only ONE god . Yet to read the bible and to not see that there IS more than one .

Jesus said his father NEVER required blood sacrifice . Yet in Abram Noah and on and on . It was required . But that may just be taking it out of context . This is the usual manner for Christians to disconnect the biblical truth in there favor . Never minding in Geneses it says . And God said let US make MEN in OUR image .

And again I am taking it out of context .

However you choose to view the bible it is utterly up to you .

And no one can disprove to you what it means . So you can read it and draw your own conclusion OR just go on the common teaching that there is only one god and man evolved through mas incest . And any man that says god told him to kill is a just man under a just god .

Gender is what a person is mentally, so it cannot be changed. What you're talking about is people changing their sex

John Money and others observed that children with the same types of intersex condition might have been raised as different sexes, and were more likely to develop a gender identity that matched sex of rearing than sex of chromosomes, gonads, or hormones. He also reported that gender identity was usually developed and ';set'; by early childhood,

In the John/Joan case, John Money claimed successful reassignment at 17 months of age from male to female of a boy whose penis was destroyed during circumcision (though this claim was later shown to be largely fabricated).

The person this was all about committed suicide later on due to depression brought on by his given assignment

so in detail it is clear that Alexander has not got a clue what he is talking about and only hopes that you know less .What does God say about males and females having operations to change their genders?
Inanimate OBJECTS have ';genders';.

Living things have (or change) their SEX.
';God'; probably thinks the same thing as Santa, the Easter bunny and the Tooth fairy think of it.
I think you answered your own question. Sex change operations weren't around in God's time, so there is no mention of it in the Bible. However, many Christians disapprove of it, simply because they believe that God doesn't make mistakes and that you shouldn't change how He made you. As someone who knows quite a bit about transgendered people, I think that's absolute crap....but that's my own opinion.

P.S. I'd like to give you a quick lesson on the difference between gender and sex. Gender is what a person is mentally, so it cannot be changed. What you're talking about is people changing their sex, which is their physical sexual anatomy, because it does not match their gender.

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