Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When did people start getting sex changes?

When did this fad begin; it just seems like overnight people have started to change their gender. Please don't flame me for being honest; I think the idea of getting a sex change is grotesque and disgusting. Who is so insecure about themselves that they have to change their bodily organs? How disgusting. What has this world come to? I cringe at what perverted things people will do next because it makes them ';happy';.When did people start getting sex changes?
Wow! HATE! Such ignorance and intolerance for others. You sound so much like the KKK and Nazis.

The entire subject is related to a congenital birth defect that all true or primary transsexuals share. This is not simply some form of perversion or insecurity as you suggest at all. We live a full life of sadness and self hate because we are not congruent with our own bodies.

The media is only now beginning to see the reality and is starting to educate people about the truth and not some sexual laden porn or mind numbing preaching of hate as you think is acceptable.

Full transition does not make us happy but rather whole and in sync with our own true selves.


True transsexual woman and American Trucker!When did people start getting sex changes?
Its a disorder some people genuinely believe they were supposed to be a female and vice versa.

they have strange attractions to there friends or just have tendency to want to do things that are traits of the opposite general they don't choose to do that just be tolerant.

As soon as we as people started accepting gay people.I am a female,and for some reason,I find gay people when I see a gay man who wants to be a woman so bad,I can't help but to think to myself he has a problem and look at him like he's crazy.I know its wrong,I tried accepting it,but I just can't.And gay women scare me.:
|It has been going on since ancient history, if you consider eunuchs which are a big part of older Christianity and various European, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African cultures.

If you find it disgusting, don't get one!

Learn a little history and you will find that this -- and almost every other ';perversion'; you seem to like spending your time thinking about -- go back very far into history.
SmellyGurrl is right, almost anything goes back to history, prehistory, some shape or form. our technology make things more sophisticated.

Have you ever met someone who has had a sex change? I admire your honesty, and also believe that if you met people and had conversations with people who you are talking about, you might get a clearer perspective and maybe a more compassionate perspective.

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